Mayflower is committed to enabling all customers to participate equally in our work, with dignity and respect.
Access at Mayflower
We aim to ensure that there are no barriers to accessing our work both on and off stage.
Mayflower believes that live performance should be accessible to everyone. Our teams have been trained to support all our customers needs and are always learning. Our aim is to provide accessible and high-quality entertainment, that can be enjoyed by the largest audience possible. We are continually striving to achieve this goal.
At Mayflower Theatre, we continue to review and adapt our facilities within the limitations of our Grade II-listed building. We work with customers to discuss individual needs and/or concerns to ensure that our they can get the most from their visit.
In 2016 Mayflower Theatre achieved the Beautiful South Access For All Gold Award for Access, in recognition of our effort to provide accessibility for all, within the confines of a 1928 building.
At MAST our Inclusivity and Relevance working group meets bi-monthly to review, evaluate and develop the actions we are taking.
Our staff access forum
Our access forum is made up of of staff, volunteers, access members, local disability led organisations, participants and audience members. They meets to discuss feedback and challenges and welcome suggestions for further improvement.
Submit suggestions by calling our accessible line, 02380 711813, or contacting access@mayflower.org.uk
We work closely with organisations with expertise and lived experience to support us to be accessible and welcoming to all. The organisations we work with are:
Hidden Disabilities
MAST Mayflower Studios and Mayflower Theatre are registered as organisations recognising The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard. These lanyards act as a discreet sign that the wearer (or somebody who is with them) has a hidden disability and requires additional assistance.
Discounts for people with disabilities and their companion

Join our FREE Access Membership Scheme
Member discount. Companion ticket rate. Accessible performance notifications.
We offer an exceptional scheme for visitors that need to bring a companion with benefits across Mayflower Theatre & MAST Mayflower Studios.
Accessible seating
Diagrams are available for all our performance spaces, with our advice on suitability of seating for different access requirements.

Accessible Performances
We are industry leaders with many of our accessible schemes and we are extremely proud to offer accessible performances when possible.
Access Performance Icons
Chilled Performance
British Sign Language Interpreted Performance
Audio Described Performance
Captioned Performance
Relaxed Performance
Touch Tour (before the performance)
Access for customers who are blind or have visual impairments
Two pairs of seats are held at the front of the stalls for a blind person who has a registered assistance dog and a companion, if required. You can also buy these seats if you are partially sighted and need to be near the stage.
If you have limited mobility, it is possible to enter Mayflower Theatre through a door at the front of the Stalls, by pre-arrangement with either the box office or front of house teams. Raked (stepped) seating begins at Row L.
If you need somebody to be present to assist you, you can join our Access Membership Scheme and be entitled to a discounted personal assistant’s seat.
An audio described performance features a live commentary on what is happening on stage relayed to headphone-style receivers through our infra-red system at Mayflower Theatre. The audio description also describes visual elements of the production such as the set, costume, props and facial expressions. If you would like to take advantage of this service please ask to reserve a receiver at the time of booking, as we have a limited number available. Seats in the front row are set aside for people with assistance dogs. Often a pre-show touch tour will accompany an audio described performance.
We welcome guide dogs and assistance dogs. Please advise the box office at the time of booking, so that suitable arrangements can be made to accommodate your dog without causing obstruction in the auditorium.
Where guide dogs or assistance dogs may become distressed or worried during a performance we will be happy to look after it in a staff area away from the auditorium if required.
Customers and their companions are welcome to visit our venues prior to attending a performance in order to familiarise themselves with the layout. These visits can be arranged through one of our front of house team.
To accompany our audio described performances we offer a touch tour before specific shows at both Mayflower Theatre and MAST Mayflower Studios.
A touch tour allows visually impaired customers and those supporting them, the opportunity to familiarise themselves with elements of set, props and costumes before attending the show.
Any non-access members must be supporting an access member to attend the tour.
To book your place on the Touch Tour please contact the box office on 02380 711811.
Access for customers who are deaf or have hearing impairments
Mayflower Theatre has an infra-red Sennheiser transmission system to relay sound to customers who require it.
Headsets and Neck Loops are available free of charge from the box office in the foyer.
These systems are regularly checked to ensure that they are operating correctly.
This type of performance features a BSL interpreter who interprets the dialogue on stage as it is being performed. A number of seats in the best area for viewing the interpreter are reserved for patrons and their companions wishing to take advantage of signed performances.
During this type of performance, captions are shown via electronic displays either at the sides or above the stage at the same time as words are spoken or sung. Sound effects or off-stage noises can also be included. Sometimes captions may be integrated into the show, appearing on the set and amongst the staging. This service is intended to help people with any degree of hearing loss. A number of seats in the best area for viewing the captions are reserved for patrons and their companions wishing to take advantage of captioned performances.
Relaxed and chilled performances
A relaxed performance is designed to welcome people who will benefit from a more relaxed performance environment, including people on the autism spectrum, with sensory and communication difficulties, or a learning disability.
There is a casual approach to audience noise and movement, house lights will remain lit and people are free to go in and out of the auditorium during the show. Some technical changes may also be made to the show – this can include quieter music, reducing loud or surprising sound effects and avoiding strobe lighting.
A chilled performance is ideal for people who feel more at ease knowing they can go in and out of the auditorium during the show. There is a casual approach to noise and movement, but no changes to the content of the show. The performance may still contain flashing lights, haze, loud noises, and special effects as per advertised warnings.
Upcoming shows with access performances
Venue access and drop offs

MAST Mayflower Studios
The main entrance on Guildhall Square is accessed from street level with lifts and stairs to the café/bar and Studio 1 Stalls seating on Level 1. Studio 1 Balcony seating, Studio 2, Studio 3 and Arts Hub Partners can be accessed on Level 2.
Toilets, baby change and accessible toilets can be accessed via the lifts and stairs on both Level 1 and 2. All areas of MAST are fully accessible to wheelchair users and those with mobility problems. The Studios are also equipped with Evac+Chair should it be required.
There is a drop off point in Park Walk at the rear of MAST, just a 40-metre walk from the main entrance.

Mayflower Theatre
A lay-by, next to our Accessible Entrance, allows cars or small vehicles to pull off of Commercial Road to drop off disabled passengers. The parking bays on the opposite side of Commercial Road do not exclusively cater for Mayflower Theatre.
Empire Lane is the designated drop-off point for mini-buses.
Blechynden Terrace is the designated drop-off point for coaches.