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A groug of school children singing and performing in their school uniforms

Primary Schools

We offer a range of programmes and opportunities for Primary Schools. Activities range from KS2 careers days to in-school productions for KS1.

First Encounters

Actor-musicians perform a Theatre for Children production in your school for KS1 students. For many it will be their first encounter of live theatre and music.

Our programme helps you meet curriculum targets of every child seeing one piece of live theatre/music per year. We also include a twilight CPD and scheme of work for teachers.

Play Creators

Our playwriting programme is for year 6 – KS2 students. Across four workshops we explore character, plot and storyboard, dialogue and script editing. The end result is a 12-minute play that acting students from Solent University perform back to the class at MAST Mayflower Studios.

Show Packages

Available throughout the year, this package for KS2 includes:

  • A behind the curtain tour of Mayflower Theatre
  • A theatre-based workshop
  • A matinee show performance


Workshop subjects include an introduction to puppetry, musical theatre, Shakespeare, and pantomime.

Contact us for a quote, which will depend on the production chosen.

Theatre Pass

We aim to bring primary schools with a high percentage of Free School Meals to see theatre productions for a highly reduced ticket price of up to £10. Target areas Southampton SO15-19 and Levelling Up For Culture areas.

Primary School Careers Day

Join us in Southampton for a morning or afternoon of fun filled activities. Students will gain insight into at least three areas of theatre. This could include backstage and technical, wardrobe, design, marketing, or programming.

Prices start from £150 per class (30 students plus supervisors).

Contact us

Phone or email us to enquire about any primary school activities.

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White phoneTel: 02380 711811

A group of young children in either blue shirts or red jumpers with their hands in the air participating in a schools only performance with Welsh National Opera.

Step into the wonderful world of opera and classical music with Welsh National Opera

A close-up of a female practitioner speaking at our Illuminate Drama Teacher Conference.

Teacher training

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