We had the pleasure of speaking with Joseph Maudsley, the star of FRIEND: The One With Gunther, ahead of its arrival at MAST Mayflower Studios on 2 March 2024. Here’s what he had to say about Brendan Murphy’s Worldwide Comedy Award Winning Show:
What do you love most about Gunther and being a part of FRIEND (The One With Gunther) in general?
He’s just such a loveable and relatable character. I’ve had so many comments from audience members after a show about how they felt like Gunther and could really connect, so it’s great to be able to play that innocent, loveable role.
I first performed FRIEND up at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2023, and it went pretty well. Sold out shows, added performances, great reviews and audience reactions and even an OFFIE nomination. So when I knew it was touring the UK, I couldn’t wait to crack out the bleach again, and blast out some 90s nostalgia up and down the UK. We’ve added a few extra numbers in there too, so even if you caught it up in Edinburgh, there’s going to be some extra bits for you.

How do ten seasons worth of ‘Friends’ references get adapted into one show?
Well it all began by rewatching all 236 episodes, followed by the hard part of selecting the highlights and most memorable moments with a sprinkling of hidden easter eggs for the diehard fans. We’ve managed to cram in celeb cameos, original songs from Phoebe’s back catalogue, parody songs from across the era, an in-depth analysis of Ross & Rachel’s relationship, every single guest character that ever appeared on FRIENDS, there’s audience interaction, prizes to be won, we even move a sofa at one point (PIVOT!).
Who is your favourite ‘Friends’ character?
Gunther – the seventh FRIEND – followed closely by Mrs Whiskerson.
What is your favourite moment in the show?
Great question. Well, it changes every night, as it all depends on the audience. The fourth wall is more of a flimsy curtain, which means every show is different depending on how much the audience get involved and how they respond. Ooo, and there is a montage section, where I play about 10 characters in a minute! That’s quite fun.
Why should audiences come and watch?
You will leave a little bit happier than when you walked in. It’s such a joy to look out in the audience and see people laughing along. Laughing is great, so good for you!
As for the show… It’s a fun, stupid, loving tribute to all ten years of a show we all know and love and the people who made it so special, retold in a way you’d never expect – courtesy of Gunther!

FRIEND: The One With Gunther
2 March 2024
One man, one hour, ten seasons. The entire 236 episodes of the hit 90s TV show, FRIENDS, retold through the eyes of Gunther, Central Perk’s very own ‘seventh Friend’.