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First look at Oh What A Lovely War production shots

Roll up, Roll up, the production shots are here! Take your seat for the ever-popular ‘War Game’!


A female character wearing face makeup, and a soldiers hat plays an accordion.
Four male characters dressed as clown style soldiers play instruments while a female character dances.
Four characters on stage, two male and two female. One male stands and plays the harmonica while one female has her arm on his shoulder. The other male and female sit on the floor together.
Two females sit back to back, One plays the piano and the other sits towards the audience.

A cornerstone of modern musical theatre and one of the very greatest stage satires, Oh What A Lovely War is an extraordinary theatrical journey bringing to life the folly, farce and tragedy of the First World War.

Wildly satirical, visually stunning and deeply moving, it’s the musical that revolutionised modern theatre; an exhilarating, no-holds-barred assault on the military incompetence and inconceivable disregard for human life the First World War has come to represent.


A man with a drum holds a drumstick with a moustache attached to it to his face.
a man wearing stripy tights, brown top, face makeup and soldiers hat looks up.
a female character stand on stage with disgust on her face while a man wearing clown makeup stands behind her watching.
A man wearing a read top and white shirt plays the guitar.

Brimming with timeless songs, razor-sharp satire and high jinks, Oh What A Lovely War is a hilarious, heart-breaking snapshot of life for those caught in the crossfire of conflict, a unanimous voice from the trenches and a timely warning from the theatre of war itself. Now, more than ever, it holds a mirror up to the world and speaks to us all.

“One of the most innovative, audacious companies working in contemporary English theatre” The Stage

“A splendid revival that does the original production proud” Brian Murphy, from the cast of the original 1963 production of Oh What A Lovely War

“Fast, energetic and immaculately choreographed. Joan Littlewood would have been delighted by this production… A remarkable evening” Hexham Courant