MAST Mayflower Studios are delighted to have worked alongside community artist and movement therapist Louisa White and Allegra Care to create our exhibition, ‘Exploring The Wind in the Willows’. This exhibition forms part of our wider Community Exhibition Takeover this Christmas. Our takeover projects help us to work with groups who may never have been to our venue before, pairing them with local artists to create exciting art installations that turn our building into the magical world of our Christmas performance.

Louisa wanted to work with the geometry and balance of the Mandala in her sessions with the group. Creating collage with different images was a great opportunity for reminiscence and celebrated the simple act of presence; sharing a good book and looking at images together is never to be underestimated.
The multi-sensory pieces have been created over five 2-hour workshops with residents living with dementia at Fordingbridge Care Home in the New Forest. The co-created work incorporates many of the materials used in the multi-sensory dance, drama and storytelling workshops, that explored the characters and nature themes in ‘The Wind in the Willows’.
At the start of the story we witness Mole spring cleaning their house, and so one of the first activities was dancing with dusters to Dolly Parton’s Working 9-5. Similarly, exploring Toad through story, drama and movement we all took a steering wheel (a paper plate) and went on a journey to Reet PetiteĀ by Jackie Wilson and in-between singing along to the Happy Wanderer.

Our river bord was inspired by one participant who coiled the blue ribbon up tightly and then release it on the board creating a fabulous blue spiral. The silver on this board was inspired by a participant who loved to touch and feel the silver pompoms used in one of the dance workshops. Other boards feature natural earth clay shapes, and patterns with ferns and leaves, all of which were created by the group.
Participants enjoyed creating the boards together, and felt a real sense ownership and pride in their work.
We are proud to present regular visual arts exhibitions in our venues, as part of our Community programme, presented by our Community Outreach team. We work alongside local artists, schools and community groups to create engaging projects and exciting new exhibitions. If you would like to get involved with our exhibition programme, please contact us on